Monday, April 26, 2010

Customer service leadership

When the economy is slow, the theory is that customer service improves to better compete for fewer dollars.

What I am seeing as of late is so much cost cutting that contact persons are overwhelmed, short and abrasive.

Where is the leadership to guide and coach and train these people?

Where was the "home-training" that you just treat ALL people with more respect than that?

The other side is a contact or sales person who is just afraid of the buyer/customer.

There should be a lot of talent available out there. Are they being trained or just thrown out there to interface?

One test of character here would be to see how the candidate treats someone whom they believe is of no benefit to them.

Remember that Great character is built at the intersection of hardship and dismal meeting a coachable spirit. Now is a time to built character in people to resemble The Great Generations (Depression +2 World Wars) or its where the same talent can unravel. Our Leadership makes the difference.

There is an old story that at the Devil's Garage sale the best tool is the highest priced. It was not Greed or Envy or any desire--the best tool was discouragement; that's the turning point.

Finish with Winston Churchill, "All that is needed for evil to rule the world is for good men to do nothing"

Lead. Be the difference.