Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's about people

A few months ago, I got to be part of a group of Major corporations c-level executives planning retreat. We were placed in groups of 7 to 8 people and asked to solve this question:
"What can Corporations and executives do to restore confidence and trust with consumers and the public?"

The answers remarkably all represented this theme:
Treat people with respect again. Treat them with their interest in mind and not just our (company) own short term self interests. An example is to put "people" on the phone again--not mechanized voices and a 100 choices and speak understandably and have freedom to think and decide -off script. The second solution was to start by restoring respect to your own employees-they see when greed is at work -decisions are short term and if the investments are in durability of people or deniable plausability for selfish, shortsighted actions.

Furthermore, I add that it starts with us. We know when the "emperor has no clothes" and we need the courage of conviction to start admitting and declaring when "that' not right"--moreover--do what's right to make it right.

Don't know what's right?--stay tuned

Friday, May 15, 2009

Where are people skills headed?

Do you agree that there is a rising deficit of people skills? It starts with courtesy and respect and evolves to the understanding that we benefit most by helping others benefit.

So many people are openly selfish, rude or maybe (as I prefer to think) just unaware of people and consideration for others around them.

This site will focus on the interaction of people and the skills to best exude as we live, leisure, learn, and apply our skills at work.

Step one & two:
1. do not react right away, attempt empathy
2. just smile