Monday, June 8, 2009

Why do they do that? Is that taught somewhere?

This weekend I saw a manager yelling at an employee in a gym.
Even in corporate offices I am astounded to see some behavior that does not do ANY good to ANY one. With all the resources and books available in the world, why do people still behave in ways that never work?

Sometimes people in roles are fearful to stand up to this behavior. Not in a challanging matter but in a respect manner. Look that ego pompus stuff is not taught by any credible source. So we should let the lack of controlled emotions purge-then address that no one ever responds well to that behavior. Short term, someone may tolerate it or confuse it with a need to pleas--but the right thing is:
1. address it directly
2 address it with superiors
3 get out.--you and everyone is worth more than that and that guy was an inexperienced, personal issues burdened, I.D. 10-T.

Here is what I want to tell the manager:
You will never excel with people willing to take that behavior and you need to address your issues elsewhere on your own time.
Here is what successful managers do:
1.Make people feel significant and valued
2.Empower people to reach goals and contribute
3. Challenge people to be and do more-positively

Exception: Military training to break down individuals so they can be rebuilt better and as a team--but the business world is rarely Life or death instant instinct stuff so keep it where it belongs--battlefields

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