Friday, March 1, 2013

9 Critical Elements of a Productive Company

9 Critical Elements of a  productive company


1. Direction is a clear sense of where the organization

is heading and how it will get there that is

meaningful to all employees.

2. Leadership is the extent to which leaders inspire

actions by others.

3. Culture and climate is the shared beliefs and

quality of interactions within and across organizational


4. Accountability is the extent to which individuals

understand what is expected of them, have sufficient

authority to carry it out and take responsibility

for delivering results.

5. Coordination and control is the ability to evaluate

organizational performance and risk, and to

address issues and opportunities when they arise.

6. Capabilities is the presence of the institutional

skills and talent required to execute strategy and

create competitive advantage.

7. Motivation is the presence of enthusiasm that

drives employees to put in extraordinary effort to

deliver results.

8. External orientation is the quality of engagement

with customers, suppliers, partners and other external

stakeholders to drive value.

9. Innovation and learning is the quality and flow

of new ideas and the organization’s ability to adapt

and shape itself as needed.

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