Friday, September 18, 2009

Talking Grass Roots

Ever see a great item and doubt your evaluation because "if it worked, everyone would know" or " it would be selling everywhere"? HOGWASH!!! The world and economy is a hard perception fight for the single successful player/item.

There are incredible athletes & entertainers who are not "discovered" and exposed with mass distribution until afters either decades of chasing goals or that sudden fluke of Preperation meeting opportunity aka luck aka "overnight success"--Ha!

In our social and business dynamics there are people who develop plans out their own self interest to block out newcomers even if they shared the big benefit for all (eg, Fountain of Youth, World Peace, Health care for All, more affordable Sustaining power sources).

It costs so much for someone to be elected to office.

Stores charge big fees just to stock an item.

Lenders loan money to people who need money the least.

We have many people right now and throughout history who have persisten beyond rejection and schemes to prevail. Many through slow build, others in sudden flashes.

When we evaluate concepts and products or even people, we trust most the opinions of people we trust and respect. How to we foster this? How do we create a place, a time, assemble right people and the mindset of engagement rather than "waste of time" selfish apathy

My goal is to figure out a way to accelerate this exchange of meaningful interaction and conversation in a world of so much icoming clutter and technology distancing us from really talking. Any ideas?

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