Friday, September 18, 2009

Let it Rain+ be a Rainmaker

My daughter recent got a childrens book called something like "Have you Filled a Bucket Today?"

Boy, I had not read it and I got it. I try to spend alot of purposeful effort filling other peoples buckets if not specific, then by being a positive energy in their vicinity.

First, I am convinced that the more you give, the more you get ( want to accelerate the timeline often though)

Second, That effort actually converts my energy upward when it is flatlined.

Ya know, I am reaching out now for some ideas.

I started by reducing negative input like the news.
I counted my blessings and all that is and has been great.
I connected with people who I had not reached in a while and people I had been want to reach.
Some of the best times and events have been when its raining & water can be so refreshing.
I will take a nap now.
What else you got?

Talking Grass Roots

Ever see a great item and doubt your evaluation because "if it worked, everyone would know" or " it would be selling everywhere"? HOGWASH!!! The world and economy is a hard perception fight for the single successful player/item.

There are incredible athletes & entertainers who are not "discovered" and exposed with mass distribution until afters either decades of chasing goals or that sudden fluke of Preperation meeting opportunity aka luck aka "overnight success"--Ha!

In our social and business dynamics there are people who develop plans out their own self interest to block out newcomers even if they shared the big benefit for all (eg, Fountain of Youth, World Peace, Health care for All, more affordable Sustaining power sources).

It costs so much for someone to be elected to office.

Stores charge big fees just to stock an item.

Lenders loan money to people who need money the least.

We have many people right now and throughout history who have persisten beyond rejection and schemes to prevail. Many through slow build, others in sudden flashes.

When we evaluate concepts and products or even people, we trust most the opinions of people we trust and respect. How to we foster this? How do we create a place, a time, assemble right people and the mindset of engagement rather than "waste of time" selfish apathy

My goal is to figure out a way to accelerate this exchange of meaningful interaction and conversation in a world of so much icoming clutter and technology distancing us from really talking. Any ideas?

During your conversion+Diminish the Aversion

As we observe and learn from others' succcesses, keep in mind what you see now is often not what made them a success. People often change from smart risk takers to just keep things the samers.

Remember those oversimplifications like "there are 2 kinds of people in the world?"

The add clarity to multides of complex concepts and are easy to remember in stress so we can applyactions to these easy-to- recall quips.

I want to add to one I read that describes a group or company.

In this organization there are:

Hunters- people who go out into then world and bring in contributors, customers, sales, donors

Farmer/ Gatherer-- Same result just more passive process & extended time period

Skinners- These guys are like administrators and financiers. They take apart the "kill" or "bounty" and divide it up.

This particular blog is to address the top leaders who use to be hunters, try new things, take chances, allow freedom to fail, challenge higher-ups and motivate others. Now that thay feel some success, these same people just try not to "mess things up". They like where the are and want to perpetuate the situation as long as possible.

You recognize these converted former change leaders in a meeting by how the are quick to poke holes in a proposal. One can tell the difference between inquisitive understanding seekers and snipers looking to impede possible change--even if improvement.

Remember also that there is a whole different leader who looks similar but he is just making change for appearence sake and not really improving the situation. This makes it look like progress but it is really just activity.

What course do we take? Make your changes smaller as to not create concern--then wait for the opportunity moment with all your resources on ready and charge through the gates to to what needs doing as a Real Change Leader

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Communication Restoration. Show Respect

Communicating as I have addressed before is now more focused on efficiency rather than frequency----IT SHOULD BE.
There are so many more conveniences to share or waste expression. Recently I have seen a trend that I hope will redirect itself. That is people who leave more content of substance on social networks than professional ones.

My particular pet peeve is the voice mail or e-mail that says "call-me". About what? What is the about? Tell me something. Share information. It is really "gamey" and egotisical to not communicate some sort of value. I am personally motivated to act the oposite---if you do not have anything important to share then I will call back or reach out when every other priority has been reached and I am scouting for more things to do.

Okay, tip time:

1. Tell'em who you are
2. Tell'em why you are calling
Insert you number or e-mail at this point
3. Convey or share relevant information or a reason why they should connect with you
4. Tell'em what you think they will gain from re-connecting with you and
5. Repeat your contact information .....twice

People will appreciate this and you will get far more people returning your messages+Faster.

Now get out there and get it done!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pick your battles, guidelines

Washington won Independence by evading most fights and keeping the Continental Army in tact.
Similar plans had all been executed by Alexander, Julius Caesar, and later Napoleon.
How do you know when to do what?

Sun Tsu had some guidelines:

Overpowering alone is not enough.
Only engage in battles you need to win
More important to out think than overwhelm your opponent
Always focus your strengths againt their weakness
Only attack to distract from your main objective
Deception is a key to all victory over those who oppose you
Many other tactics of The Art of War can be applied to the politics of Business. But these are only for those determined to be your opposition. Always take the high ground being amicable to all and virtuous to all ( the exception being those who oppose you)

Study and Prepare, then execute, execute, execute

Truth is that performance is not enough

President Obama spoke to school kids this week where among other things ge told them to work hard.
Well when do we tell them that's NOT enough?
When do we teach that you have to create allies, broker & accumulate favors and remember the teachings of Sun Zsu?

Who teaches that?
You see , being the best, staying out of trouble and befriending all just does not yield success anymore.
There are a growing number of people who succeed by downing others and touting why NOT to do new things.
And there are fewer executives with skills to discern the situation.
Most top execs lose the skills that got them to the top by shifting to a "just don't mess it up" mode.
They preach comfort in less risk, less meaningful work and few changes.
We must convey the skills to identify and expose these progress killers.
We must teach politics and emotional intelligence and no fear in pursuing the right things.
How do we improve the world for others by telling and preparing them for the whole truth and the real world?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How do people Read you? Is that Right?

More than ever, people need to know what you are about.
How are you communicating this?
Can people pick up on the right stuff ...or worse do they not care?

Ask yourself if people you meet or e-chat with can answer these questions accurately
that they are asking about you?:

Can I Trust You?
Are Committed to being the best?
Do you care about me?

In Assembling your next action steps, reflect on Michael Jackson's Man in the Mirror song where he sets to change the world by starting with himself.

Are you moving upward & Forward in your Life/ Business?
Have you given an open/outward sign of Committment?
Are you Learning & Evolving everyday?
Are you seeking to understand what others want and need--If they know.

We live better lives when we serve to improve the lives of others.
First they have to give you a chance by us answering the above questions correctly from their perception.

Set some milestones---
So Then ask'em "How my doing?"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Is That Necessary?

Ever asked to fill out a form for something you just asked for? Ever have to wait while someone asks a supervisor? Ever hear "It will have to be approved"?

You are experiencing an age old form of politics--Justification.

This "Justification" is put in place when:
someone is afraid to empower subordinates,
someone feels they must show or prove they add value (usually because they do not)
there is really not real function someone fulfills so they are creating work for the rest of us in attempt to create job security for themselves.

Had a Boss tell my peer one time,"You can't always be working toward something--eventually somethin's got to get done!" If you find yourself around those people--It is your duty and oobligation to the free world to expose them and their false work and streamline and create real productivity.

Unite successful people of the World and make things happen.
Make tasks simple to be brilliant
Quick to be useful
Relevant to be valued

Create, Connect, Evolve!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Why do they do that? Is that taught somewhere?

This weekend I saw a manager yelling at an employee in a gym.
Even in corporate offices I am astounded to see some behavior that does not do ANY good to ANY one. With all the resources and books available in the world, why do people still behave in ways that never work?

Sometimes people in roles are fearful to stand up to this behavior. Not in a challanging matter but in a respect manner. Look that ego pompus stuff is not taught by any credible source. So we should let the lack of controlled emotions purge-then address that no one ever responds well to that behavior. Short term, someone may tolerate it or confuse it with a need to pleas--but the right thing is:
1. address it directly
2 address it with superiors
3 get out.--you and everyone is worth more than that and that guy was an inexperienced, personal issues burdened, I.D. 10-T.

Here is what I want to tell the manager:
You will never excel with people willing to take that behavior and you need to address your issues elsewhere on your own time.
Here is what successful managers do:
1.Make people feel significant and valued
2.Empower people to reach goals and contribute
3. Challenge people to be and do more-positively

Exception: Military training to break down individuals so they can be rebuilt better and as a team--but the business world is rarely Life or death instant instinct stuff so keep it where it belongs--battlefields

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's about people

A few months ago, I got to be part of a group of Major corporations c-level executives planning retreat. We were placed in groups of 7 to 8 people and asked to solve this question:
"What can Corporations and executives do to restore confidence and trust with consumers and the public?"

The answers remarkably all represented this theme:
Treat people with respect again. Treat them with their interest in mind and not just our (company) own short term self interests. An example is to put "people" on the phone again--not mechanized voices and a 100 choices and speak understandably and have freedom to think and decide -off script. The second solution was to start by restoring respect to your own employees-they see when greed is at work -decisions are short term and if the investments are in durability of people or deniable plausability for selfish, shortsighted actions.

Furthermore, I add that it starts with us. We know when the "emperor has no clothes" and we need the courage of conviction to start admitting and declaring when "that' not right"--moreover--do what's right to make it right.

Don't know what's right?--stay tuned

Friday, May 15, 2009

Where are people skills headed?

Do you agree that there is a rising deficit of people skills? It starts with courtesy and respect and evolves to the understanding that we benefit most by helping others benefit.

So many people are openly selfish, rude or maybe (as I prefer to think) just unaware of people and consideration for others around them.

This site will focus on the interaction of people and the skills to best exude as we live, leisure, learn, and apply our skills at work.

Step one & two:
1. do not react right away, attempt empathy
2. just smile

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The best arrives when relaxed

Okay, again and again it is better to relax.
Sports performance is more flexible and faster.
Decisions are clearer and more succinct.
You are recieved by others better ( nobody like to watch a nervous performer or interview)
But it is natural to be a little nervous and improves performance or at least prevents getting too relaxed.

Only practice and internal evaluation will teach you awareness and right adjustments for you.

Really, What are they thinking?

Managers, Executives, Politicians. Too many of them are not thinking before they speak. Does everybody think we don't remember earlier stuff they said? Am I the only one who discredits people who change position with every latest development? Take a stand people. Be a leader,

Decision by committee stinks without a person who takes responsibility. How do we restore the admirableness of noble leadership and deciaion making in a world where "ninnies" are listened to more that credible people.

Blog replies so we can all be assured again thatthere is still strength in America.